Michigan CE Requirements
Registered Dental Assistant (RDA)
# CE Required: 36 hours every 3 years
Required Topics: All Michigan registered dental assistants (RDAs) must possess current certification in basic or advanced cardiac life support for health care providers with a hands-on component from an agency or organization that grants certification pursuant to standards substantially equivalent to the American Heart Association standards. In addition, applicants for renewal of an RDA license must have earned, during the 3-year period prior to the expiration date of the license, 36 hours of continuing education in courses or programs approved by the Board, with
- At least 12 of those hours in programs related to clinical issues
- Not less than 2 hours in pain and symptom management
- 1 hour in dental ethics and jurisprudence with the inclusion of delegation of duties to allied dental personnel (which may be completed in 1 or more courses)
- 1 hour in infection control (must include sterilization of handpieces, personal protective equipment, and the CDC’s infection control guidelines)
An applicant for license or registration renewal must complete a minimum of 1 hour of implicit bias training for each year of the applicant’s license or registration cycle (a total of 3 hours for an RDA). The implicit bias training must be related to reducing barriers and disparities in access to and delivery of health care services. See Section R 338.7004 of the Public Health Code for further details.
Notes: A minimum of 12 hours must be completed through synchronous live courses or programs, in-person or virtual, that provide the opportunity for direct interaction between instructors and participants. No more than 18 hours may be earned asynchronously, non-interactive.
An RDA seeking license renewal must complete training in identifying victims of human trafficking. See Section R 338.11271 of the Administrative Code for further details.