Pennsylvania CE Requirements
A Dental Assistant Legally Qualified to Perform Radiologic Procedures
# CE Required: 2 contact hours or 4 units every 4 years
Required Topics: Radiation safety, biological effects of radiation, and quality assurance and quality control (See Appendix A of Document No. 291-4200-001)
More information: Department of Environmental Protection, Document No. 291-4200-001Expanded Function Dental Assistant (EFDA)
# CE Required: 10 hours every 2 years
Required Topics: Refer to the Pennsylvania Code Chapter 33.401 and 33.402 for specific details
More information: Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry Code
Notes: Must hold current CPR certification
All licensees and certificate holders must complete 2 hours of Board-approved continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements as a condition of renewal. The two hours of continuing education on child abuse recognition and reporting shall be completed by each licensee as a portion of the total continuing education required for biennial license renewal.